Friday, July 27, 2018


About 80% of the immune system originates in the gut. So to be vital and healthy, we have to have a healthy digestive system filled with good bacteria. The gut is the chief area of the body where exchanges are made between the human body and the outside world and where nutrient uptake takes place. Since most diseases begin in the gut, the quality of the flora that resides there is extremely important to overall health. The gut is composed of the whole host of microbes that affect physiology and keep body and brain functioning as they should. These gut microbes disturb the way how body store fat, how body equilibrium glucose level in blood, and how the body reacts to hormones that make human feel hungry or satiated. The improper internal mix can be fixed the phase for obesity and other health issues later in life. Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters that control mood including serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. The nervous system in the gut (known as “second brain”) connects with the brain in the head. It also plays a role in certain diseases and in mental health. In other words, the wellness of both body and brain depend on gut health.
Positive (great) microbes are healthy “gut bug” that offer assistance body retaining supplements, process and, create certain vitamins, and rally against intruders, such as the flu and toxic-forming carcinogens. A healthy microbiome explains into a healthy human. When it comes to maintaining microbiome at its healthiest level, nothing is more important than what we eat and drink. The internal environment of gut is dictated by what we put in your mouth so the foods that we choose to eat are a crucial component of maintaining gut health.

Probiotics and Prebiotics: Two Gut-Healthy Compounds

Probiotics and Prebiotics are becoming more widely known. Probiotics are beneficial good gut bugs. And prebiotics are food for these bacteria. Human body can get both probiotics and prebiotics by eating the right foods. Probiotics are found in fermented foods, as well as in some supplements. Prebiotics are originated in certain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The most central prebiotic of all is fiber.

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